Our Company


To remain in a place for a time.

A laboratory for scientific experiments, research, or teaching.

Our partner companies and Staylab Alumni often ask us about the meaning of our name ‘Staylab’. They wonder if it means 'stay in a lab'.

The truth is when we founded the company in early 2019, we chose the name based on its rhythm. Staylab was selected for its pleasant sound, ease of writing, and, of course, it's definitely not as dull as putting the domain industry 'UX' and 'PM' into your brand name.

We want to open a safe place where Humanities meets Science. It offers a 'Tao' perspective on the intersection of these two sides. On one hand, we embrace the concept of 'Be here now' - acknowledging everything without imposing or demanding anything. On the other hand, we also recognize the restlessness and frustration that come with the desire to challenge current knowledge and embrace a future of experiences to change and grow.

Life is full of ups and downs, and sometimes, we want to be satisfied, stable and settled so that everything stays as it is. At other times, we want to do something wild, stir things up, and live life to the fullest. This is the shaking of existence, the feeling of being truly alive.

Opening a company and building an empire is not about showing off for someone's ego. It's a journey of contemplation, acceptance, and hope for new opportunities. It's chaotic, spacious, and also very magical.

In the end, Staylab doesn't necessarily have a very clear meaning. However, the name is interesting enough for you to think more about and explain in your way. Whenever you need to elevate your career path, find the best solution to improve your UX/product knowledge and practical skills, or want an affordable educational platform for peace of mind, remember Staylab. We are here to welcome you.